Thursday, May 14, 2015

Rio Vista Elementary - Third Grade & Summer Camp

Jackie's favorite teacher Mrs. Brooks


Jackie gets an ouchie!
Could have been worse, bumped head on the monkey bars 
and landed on a bunch of fire ants :)

The Whale Lady, Mrs Brooks

Third Grade Outing to the Long Beach Aquarium

Mom with Jackie and her classmates at the Aquarium

Jackie had 59 pride cards

Seeing Jackie here on the grounds, holding her lunch 
box reminded me of something very important which
from Kindergarten up to her senior year at high school, 
Jackie never ate a school lunch.  Never, ever!  She's a healthy 
eater who loves all vegetables and in particular, she likes them raw.  
I'm quite aware of what it is they served because Jackie showed 
me where the big trash can was.  Looking inside the trash can I was 
blown away as I made mental notes of it being nothing more than 
highly processed foods.  Yes, the ones we all know are horrible for 
kids and their evolving bodies. And, the schools are concerned 
with the child's weight?  They need to look in their trash can
and research ingredients since such ingredients are a major
deterrent to any child's learning ability. 

Brookhaven Summer Camp

After Jackie's third grade was over, I placed her in a summer day camp.  
I was working at the time and needed a place to keep her safe until 5:30.
It was day camp or my parents home and I knew she would have opted for
day camp.  She had lots of fun that summer

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