Thursday, May 14, 2015

Apple Valley, California

Apple Valley Moon

Aunt Baby got Jackie a swing set

Apple Valley friends from Desert Knolls

Highly enjoying themselves

Jackie loves her new toy

Jackie and the neighbor kids she played with

Jackie at Aunt Baby's House

Doodle Bug is sound asleep upside down

Jackie with Baby's dogs on Easter

Jackie with neighbors

Jackies bus pick up for school
Mary Anne and Chuck Shull visit us

Corwin Park, Apple Valley

Jackie helped Aunt Baby with garden
Living here in the desert can be hell on earth
Real cold or real hot!

Jackie at Baby's

Jackie helping with landscaping
Jackie looks so sweet but she's cold and should come in

Jackie smelling the flowers

Jackie and Aunt Baby
Jackie learning how to grow things

Jackie returning from friends home across the street

 Jackie dancing on bed

Jackie's desert playground

Jackie's first pony ride at Walmart, Apple Valley

 Jackie being Jackie

Jackie and her first friend at Desert Knolls

Our Little House on the Prairie

The little princess at Christmas

 Jackie doing a mooner

Our little house on the prairie

Jackie on Easter with friends
           Jackie on Easter            

Picking Pistachios Nuts in our yard

Playing in the dirt after school in her dress 

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans 
Jackie smelling the flowers at Aunt Baby's

Mom, the sun is too bright

Jackie tried to grow wildflowers but the rabbits ate the seeds

The other end of Route 66 from where we lived

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