Thursday, May 14, 2015

San Juan Capistrano to San Diego and back

San Juan Capistrano Mission

Old San Juan Capistrano

San Juan Capistrano Mission

Before Renovation

The old Mission

San Juan Capistrano Mission

Renovated San Juan Capistrano

San Juan Capistrano bells

The Swallows

The swallows return but not for another day or so

A darling Swallow

Scout Swallows
After visiting the mission, we went on a new mission 
to San Diego via one of the older trains.  Things changed 
since the train is now a metrolink. 

Tickets - San Juan Capistrano to San Diego and back

Our stop in San Diego from the mission

The Hornblower

This is the actual train we rode and the same coastline

I've thrown this one in here for grins because it's actually 
from a different day when we visited the Ritz Carlton

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