Thursday, May 14, 2015

Desert Knolls Elementary - Kindergarten

1996 - 1997 
Kindergarten school picture

Jackie's class

Jackie's anxious to go to school - FIRST DAY!
A welcome from her teacher


 Jackie's school in Apple Valley, California

The front of the school

 We are the first ones there :) Jackie was very anxious

No patience, she wants to go to school NOW!

Anxiously awaiting for someone to unlock the gate

NA!  I got in - I don't know where to go but I got in!

This is my room where I will learn things

Day 2

Jackie is so happy here at Desert Knolls

Jackie makes friends quickly at recess

Christmas time in Jackie's classroom

The kids were preparing for a Xmas concert

Jackie on the far left with bags filled of popcorn

Jackie's teacher says that she is a perfect student

We read and we read all of your books that we had

Jackie's special friend

Jackie was invited to her birthday party

I volunteered in Jackie's classroom almost every day

It's always a good thing to help the teachers

It's Chrismas time in the desert

Helper mom on board

Jackie's Christmas Pageant

Jackie's part she had to recite

Notes from Jackie's teacher

I notified the teacher we were
moving to Long Beach In March

Another note from the teacher

Every school's problem - they do what they can

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