Thursday, May 14, 2015

Rio Vista Elementary - Fourth Grade

Cutest school picture Jackie has ever taken

Below is a project Jackie had to do for school.
We actually went to the Mission in San Luis Obispo
for goodies that she could use for her project.

The Secret of Nimh - 1982

Jackie says goodbye to all of her friends at Rio Vista as she heads
off on a new adventure in the mother lode at Placerville, California.  
The gold has since been tapped but we bring them new gold 
and friendship with her new friends.  
All of these moves we make give us direction, which form 
our lives into something new each and every day.  
Every step we took was another step in the direction 
Jackie wanted to go in regards to school, and higher learning. 
Had we stayed in Southern California, who's to say 
where she would be today.  For me, I just wanted to get out of the 
dang smog!  Smog is a hindrance to every child.

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