Thursday, May 14, 2015

Placerville to Tahoe, Reno, Carson City, Cold Springs, Mammoth Mountain

Trip to Tahoe - 2002
Great restaurant Jackie loved - All you can eat buffet!

Tahoe Casinos

Jackie gambled, naughty, naughty

Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe

Breathtaking and Beautiful Lake Tahoe

Jackie went skiing here with her 5th grade class

Mountainous roads

Wild Mustangs

Reno Gambling Casinos

Reno sky line


Carson City to Cold Springs, NV - Nan's home 

Vicinity of Nan's house in Cold Springs

Snowed in - must drive back into Reno to buy snow chains

Nan drove us to Downtown Reno

Nan took us to dinner in Downtown Reno
Benihana Chef cooking at the table

Carson City back to Tahoe

Carson City, climbed the mountain back to South Lake Tahoe
 Carson City mountains we had to traverse  

Must wash the salt off upon arrival!

Prior to the trips above, Jackie and I went north to
Mammoth Mountain where we stayed the night,
shopped a bit and Jackie played in the snow

The resort and shopping area below the mountain

Mammoth Mountain where Jackie played in the snow

Description of trip is in the picture

 Before Mammoth, we drove through the June Lake area
and watched firemen performing a drill on the ice for
people who may some day fall in while they fished

The music we listened to plus Black Eye'd Peas

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