Thursday, May 14, 2015

Huntington Beach - Tijuana, Mexico - Rosarito Mexico - Poverty - Water

Jackie was at an age where she needed to experience
extreme poverty.  That's all I wanted her to see were the
sufferings of others who were her age.  
No words from me were spoken, I just watched.  
Fortunately, Jackie was appalled

Huntington Beach to Rosarito, Mexico

US Border

Immediately, she witnessed people sitting on the
sidewalks and the streets and things had to have clicked

Two girls selling gum on the streets for their families
This is extremely common and I explained the situation
to Jackie so she would have a better understanding

Most people who have a job or a business
are curio vendors and they depend highly on
Americans to buy their goods in order to survive

We ate lunch here and visited a few curio stores

There is some cleanliness in Mexico however,
the overall living conditions are that of poverty
and always off the main streets so that we don't see it

The title of this photo is "Mexico is Cracking"
Obviously, drugs are also a serious matter to
all ages and many in poverty would rather do
drugs, which lessen their emotional pain

Typical home for the masses of those in poverty
and only a handful of miles from the USA

She has no clue as to what is in that water
especially if she's near farmland

I bought a pair of shoes here with Jackie

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