Thursday, May 14, 2015

Clara Barton Elementary - Kindergarten

 New School, New Classmates
Her new teacher has the same name Mrs. Smith 

Jackie's new class began March 31st
As of this date, May 31, 2015, Mrs Barbara Smith is
still teaching Kindergarten at Clara Barton

We lucked out!
When I registered Jackie for her new kindergarten class, 
I was elated to find that the majority of students were
Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino.
 I was elated because Jackie's prior school was all white.

There is nothing worse than not knowing people of all races.
I do not see color in any person, I just see the person.
Obviously, I wanted Jackie to see the same as I did, so I was 
more than happy that she would have such an opportunity.
Below are Jackie's best friends while attending 
Clara Barton, Jackie does not see color either.

Sleeping Beauty - 1959

Power Plant across the street was in very close proximity to 
your classroom.  That was worrisome for me but, 
it was eventually remedied at Rio Vista.

I Believe I Can Fly

Space Jam

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