Thursday, May 14, 2015

Letters from Friends and Relatives

Mary Ann is presently in the baby stages of Alzheimer's.  
She never wanted you to know, which is why she
left us in Corpus.  Mary Anne already knew what kind
of future she had left since her mom was succumbing 
to the same.  Ann has since passed away and Randy 
is now taking care of the Mary Anne at their home.

Keep the memory of Mary Anne who had more
fun with the kids than she ever did adults.   
Mary Anne made "fun" more "fun".

  I know you hated her drinking but keep in mind
that she was losing her mind, and knew it
which is why she continued to abuse alcohol.
For a moment, think about all of the great
times you two had while growing up.
Don't remember Mary Anne as just a friend, 
but rather, remember her as a great friend.

I made this for you when I was pregnant.

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