Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jacqueline Nesbitt is Born

 The following photos pertain to my daughter Jacqueline Raeanne Nesbitt,
many of her friends, family, accomplishments, travels, and much much more.
This was a labor of love from me to my daughter.


Click the video below and listen while you view photos. 
This song is what prompted me to build the blog for Jackie




My choice was already made
Jacqueline Kennedy for her elegance and intelligence, 
Jacqueline Smith for her beauty and the movie Users, and
Jacqueline Bisset for her beauty and great acting

Mary Anne was the note maker

I really don't dwell in astrology 
but so's ya know, she did end up on the cusp

2nd ultrasound on March 21, 1991 - Dr. Roboy

Jackie's Hospital

This was mom's view

Hoag Hospital

Absolutely Precious!

Mommy made in the USA

 First picture taken of Jackie by the nurse

The very hour Jackie was born
and make note of the housecoat

What a sweetie!

My best friend Mary Anne, holds Jackie for the first time

Jackie stays all night in my room at the hospital.


Safe at home with mommy and 
Grandpa Jack visits Jackie

Jackie's umbilical cord
Pretty creepy but that's life

The little bag it sits in still today

Yes, I still wear it to this day

Baby Convention
Anaheim Convention Center

I bought this cup, which I still have and use
even though it's cracked.  It's almost 24 years old

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