Thursday, May 14, 2015

Carnival Cruise Conquest - New Orleans - Montego Bay - Jamaica - Cosumel - Galveston - New Orleans

We visited New Orleans twice so I combined them
with the cruise we went on

The bridge above is the one we crossed over 
and below is how far down it is

New Orleans along the Mississippi

Before - Check out the after

It's interesting that they used white people for the river walk's
new look photo op - African American residents continue 
to represent the majority at 59.1 percent  
I'm sure you can guess why I hate racism

Bourbon Street, New Orleans

Typical and beautiful southern mansion


Before and after Katrina

When the Levee Breaks


The Conquest - The cruise - docked near River Walk

1 Mississippi

2 Mississippi

3 Mississippi

4 Mississippi

5 Mississippi

6 Mississippi

7 Mississippi

8 Mississippi

Returning back up the Mississippi
you had to be there to appreciate the next 3 photos
9 Mississippi

10 Mississippi

11 Mississippi

12 Mississippi

Ships returning after Hurricane Dennis passed
13 Mississippi

14 Mississippi

Montego Bay - Picture taken from our deck

Jackie says "no pictures mom"

he, he

Jamaica shot from our ship


Cozumel from our deck

You can now see the hurricane coming our way
so it was about here we got our ride back to the ship

Off the internet - docking at Cozumel

Jackie snorkeling - lots of life in those waters
Mom snorkeled too

Jackie snorkeling

Hurricane Dennis is chasing us away

Hurricane Dennis possible direction


Returning up the Mississippi, this is what we were
greeted with and it was beautiful

Jackie at dinner - beautiful as always

Our upper deck with an outside patio

The view looking down from our patio

Looking out the patio door

Jackie had a long night last night

Jackie's friends she met with every day for 8 days

Fun things to do and they did

14 stories high

Conquest on the left

Our ship in the distance

Ships interior

Looking down from the top of the ship

Interior of the ship

Interior of the ship

Elevators on the ship

Interior of the ship


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